Wednesday, 3 April 2019


Prakash Gharat TATA SKY
On the occasion of  world theatre day ,I was invited by tata sky to the exclusive screeningof a play .' I  reached  'zee preview theater",andheri {w}at about 6_30pm and from7-25pm, l was sitting on a soft chair  in an  air conditioned theater  experiencing a new experiment of " tata sky theater in collaboration with 'zee entertainment.  which was televising a' play'  on the big screen of the theater for the first time.

This was a very unique experiment , I had ever  witnessed, , instead of acting every  time by the actors on different stages,the play was shot in camera once for all  and televised on screen. It saves time for producers, distributors ,actors actress. It also saves time and money on  transportation, sets ,make up  etc. Also replacement of good actors/ actresses can be avoided due to unavoidable circumstances. In my opinion it is good idea.

  Watching the screening of the  play " The Big FAT city life " directed by Mahesh Dattani was a mesmerizing experience.  The play contained all the elements like drama ,shock, turning points  and surprises
  The laughther received was  not because of the  comedy scenes or  dialogue  but  because of the selfish attitude of the characters.

       The story of the play just  as under.....

A couple  (Murli and Niharika) is staying in a studio apartment in a tower in lokhandwala andheri {w} on the  18 floor. The flat is purchased on bank loan but for last  6 months the couple is not able to pay the emi ... 

As Murli has  lost his job due to demonetization and Trump factor .He is being therefore threatened by the bank recovery agents  often, he is therefore very much afraid  of them.

Due to which he gets anxiety attacks and suffers  from  skin allergy and  develops itching  whenever  he gets panicked. although he is wife is working but her earnings are spent on the livelihood and cannot  pay the bank dues.

So, the couple invites Murli's friend a Gujarati Banker Shailesh who he meets after long time though FACEBOOK. Shailesh is Murlis ex IITian friend. The Gujarati banker has recently become the managing director of a bank in Mumbai  immediately after demonetization, which is started by a Surat based diamond merchant to transfer his black money . So, Shailesh has left his previous job and is now working in his own bank with the partnership from the Surat based diamond merchant

 Since he is invited he comes there and discusses the problem with the couple and assurse them help.
By transferring Murli's loan to Shailesh's new bank...

While the  talks are going on Mrs Lolita Jagtiani,  an actress  enters  the flat holding two bottles  of wine, she is staying in a pent house in the same tower on top floor. She is also a friend of the couple  Shailesh immediately recognises her as Yamini from saas bani sapheran..serial. He is  very much impressed on listening that she is a close friend of the couple.They both  soon become closer and even take 'selfie'  Meanwhile, Niharika's sister enters the flat disturbed and irritated on her boyfriend. Bhateri or Anu is a struggling actress who is staying with the couple.Lolita and Shailesh both are irrtiated looking at her and get disturbed and go in the balcony. Niharika requests her to leave . But Shailesh asks her to click his and lolitas pictures. .They both even  hug each other and take snaps .

But soon Lolita aka lolly leaves  the flat , no sooner Lolita goes out  the door bell rings, ,a drunk man enters almost falling on  shailesh and Murli , they some how control him and take him to the bedroom  and put him on the bed when Shailesh finds out that he is the husband of Lolly .

 Some time after  he tries to sit in the bed , seeing his efforts murli and shailesh run to. Help him but the drunk neighbor vomits  on his clothes and the bad smell of vomit spreads.. Niharika cannot  tolerate,therefore they remove his cloths except his  under wear and puts them for a wash in the  washin   machine.

  The door bell  rings again and and after opening the door a young lover and anu (bhateri) enter quarreling with each other.  The young lover Punnu has become desperate  and annu has broken  his heart,he straightway walks towards anniu{ bhateri and hugs and begs her to  speak to him but anu insists on a break up.

When , he becomes sure of her love is converted in hate rad for him ,he decides to take back his gifts given  to her during their Romance, so he enters the bedroom,in the mean while the drunk man goes to  attached bathroom to urinate but while the lover is collecting his gift holding a heart shaped pillow.

 The drunk man comes out and seeing the lover holding the heart shaped pillow in his hands, the drunk man snatches the pillow, from the lover and slips on the bed taking the cushion  .Due to this   the lover  boy becomes desperately angry and he presses another pillow on drunk man's face   continually  with pressure  when the others   see this happening they immediately enter the bed room  but by that time the drunk man is dead. Hear the first murder happens and  the drama takes turning point.

But this act of murder,appears to be a heroic act  to his Juliet the haryani girl  ANU ,she comes forward  and hugs him and consoles the friend ,saying "you have done because of my love,no?"and promises him to save  from police action, but she knows well that murder has happened in front of murli and his wife,  and they are owner of the flat but badly in need of money, to shut these mouth, she offers to help them by transferring lakhs of ruppes they needed in their bank account immediately they happily agree to this deal,but the Gujarati Shailesh , demands a higher amount and objects the deal, after a huge  argument with him,and black mailing he  agrees to settle to reduce  the bribe amount  so they decid to throw the body of the  dead man  but after some time the wife.  Of the drunk man enters and she enquires about  her dead husband 's clothes

 Why  his clothes only,doesn't she  want ti know her husband's whearabouts ,is she is not shocked,?Or there  is something going on with her also.

Her calls her on phone worriedly on and often
Who. Comes from hari yana does the couple. Gets money transfered in their account ,do policemen arrest?.
Better you watch , what happened at the end on "
"On tata sky theater,and get stunned shocked, mesmerized,better watch on the  t v screen of theater.

The BIG Fat City Life
The BIG Fat City Life

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Mazhya Kahi Recipes

Namaskar, Mee Prakash Harishchandra Gharat...punha aaplya bhetila. Aata kahi recipes paha...majhya bayko Ani Mee rac...
