Sunday, 6 August 2023
Mazhya Kahi Recipes
Sunday, 29 May 2022
वर्ण, जाती
At the outset , i must confess that I don't have much , rather least knowledge our of Religion . I have varna ,caste system very little knowledge, I want to get en lighten myself ,therfore I would like to divert attention to a story from 'Mahabharat of king Shantanu father of Devavrat ie Bhisma .
A Horse Trader ones came to king Shantanu to sale an excellent horse to him, the king Tels him that, if the horse proved to be realy excellent, the king would not only pay the price of the horse, to the trader, but would 'Convert' him to Kshatriya ' Warna' from his 'Vaishya ' warna and make him re king.
t here are four Warnas Brahman, , kshatriya , Vaishya and Shudra s in above
All warna s there are many sub divisions Sub casts .
When king Shantanu tells horse trader who is trader therefore Vayshya that he will convert him Kshatriya if hi horse proved to be means conversion from one cast to another cast is allowed in the Hindu Religion ! But as per provisions in modern laws if a girl marries a boy of another cast her cast remains the same , whay it is so ?
A like this in the Peshwai of Maratha Empire when shrimant Narayan rao Peshwe was Ruling ,he on advise of Nana Phadvnis and Gopika bai,his mother and wife of late Nana saheb Peshwe, converted Brahmins of Pen of Raigad Dist. To 'Brahman Kshatriya' and they were given all rights of Kshatiya cast to them and all Kayasta were converted as shudra Cast.Removing from them from Kshatriya cast.
Actually the kayast are originally kshatriya, Baji Prabhu Deshpande, Rango bapu , Sardar Gupte etc. Had fought war physically,they had notable contribution in History 'Hindavi Samrajya founded by this Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Chandra Seniya , Kayast is related to Accountancy in the Administration of the Empire it is a fact that this community is studious, well studied and have thorough knowledge so they should not have Convrted to Shudra cast.
But it seems there was personal grudge against ' Kayasta 'in the mind of Gopika Bai and Nana Fadnavis. Narayan rao Peshwa was most obedient to her and Nana Phdavnis ,the Pradhan in the adminstation also played in her hand .So conversion Kayast to shudra was very smooth. The kayastat were therefore harassed by nebouring, Brahmins.
. They even forfeited their properties made them homless in their native Place 'village Pen in Raigad dist. Most of them to therefore shifted to Gujrat.where Maharaja Gaikwad.gave them shelter.many of them were spread over Murud , Varsoli Villages in Aali bag all of were in tense because of cancellation of their status as Kshatriya. They were not allowed to take waters from the Wells. So onse they approached.Sardar Gupte,who had history of being great warrior of Peshwai from shrimant Bajirao peshwa' sinse then he had high position in the peshwa Administration . So Sardar Gupte promised them justice.from Peshwa Narayan Rao.Accordingly one Day when shrimant Narayan rao Peshwe were hearing the Court, sardar Gupte remained present in the court, before presenting his grivenses he boved before Narayan rao peshwe and offered respect by shaking his right hand up and daun ,as acceptance Peshwe shook his up daun, and said, "Bola"!
Thanking for his permission to plead , he started narrating his grievances about removing their status Being Kshatriya being studious,and having knowledge in maths, and accounts,drafting despite their bravery i n war field, they helped the administration using this knowledge they worked as Chinis Tipnis, Kulkarni which normally Brahmins were doing, but when War like situation arose ,they took the Sword in their hands to fight this was in process from Chhatrapati Shiwaji Maharaj rule there after shrimant Baji rao Peshwe , and shrimant Madhawrao Peshwa , though, shrimant Narayan rao peshwe was listening, peacefully he was very much reluctant in mind, while listening, many times, he looked at Gopikabai, his mother and Nana Phadvnis , the Pradhan who were present in the Court.who were also reluctant ,and list interested.
Thus concluding Sardar Gupte at end of his speech wished, that shrimant Peshwe after sympathetically scrutiny of the facts and loyalty to Peshwa, will re store the status of Kshatriya to them.
Sardar Gupte after concluding his say, bowed before shrimant and offered Mujra, sat on his Chair.
Within short time, Shrimant Narayan Rao declared, his decision about sadar Gupta's Prayer
" In absence of proper and insufficient documents and proofs the restoration status of kshatriya is rejected and conversion of them as shudra cast is confirmed. "
Listening this sardar Gupte rose from the sit, and said "I request shrimant to re consider the decision sympathetically as whole community of us has been boycotted by Brahman. Kshatriya and therefore became homeless and are thirsty and Hungary .
Nana phadvnis Gopika bai were watching what sardar Gupte a was but he saying, without any expression.but Peshwe stopped him in the middle saying justice has-been done and there is no change, but if you continue you will be arrested. Saying soHe looked at Nana phadvnis
Sardar Gupte
Sardar gupte, stopped talking and some how managed to run from the court He then went to Vadodara. For assailume of Maharaja Gaikwad, he knew him already. He explained the maharaja situation o f Pune. He was also accompanied by his colligues who also had came for shelter.
This all has happened, because Gopinath bai 's bayas Casting nature ,She wanted all the officials Clerks, Chit Pawans she even hated to be daughter in law Radhika bai, fiancee of Vishvas rao and Parvati bai wife of Sadashiv bhau being non Chitpawans. Nana Phadvnis and Narayan rao Peshwe were also supportive of her and of same opinion. Another family relation of Chi maji Appa was with 'Gangaji Naik from 'Aanjur who were Kshatriya,means Somvanshi Kshatriya Pathare (Paanchkalashi) shrimant Chi maji Aappa wanted Gangaji Naik'daughter who was liked by him, to marry his son Sadashiv Bhau but sardar Gangaji being was reluctant for this relatiom but Chi maji Aapla wanted the relation ship with Ganga ji Naik being true Warrior KShatriya, so he married his daughter with sardar Gangaji's brave son.
Had, Sardar GangJi's daugher married Sadashiv Bhau she also had same treatment of Parvati bai and Radhika bai.
Due to shrimant Madhav rao Peshwe, Gopikabai had angrily left Shaniwar wada, because shrimant did.not agree with her to free his maternal uncle who were guilty in his opinion.she was very much adamant, lavishly spending on religious rituals, proud being Chit Pawan ,she left Pune and went to Nashik where She spent money on'Brahman Bhojan'whenever she do so .She was very arrogant once she decided to decided to do any thing she would without hesitation. She was originally daughter of rich savkar ie money lender and Sardar Raste and he was very honoured in Court of Shahu Maharaj, whenever there was any financial need for war ,they appealed the Money lenders who were then bankers who sanctioned the loans to the rulers for war,Gopika bai was daughter of sahukar and sardar Raaste.
So it was natural that a. girl born in a richest family the only girl having two brothers whose father having high position in the court of Shahu Maharaj
So she was born and brought up in luxurious life, so always in commanding attitude she was. Narayan rao peshwe her last son ,and his behaviour exact was like her,arrogant adamant, in fact he lacked in knowledge that required of running Government Maratha Empire he had no knowledge handling arms the untimely death of his elder brother shrimant Madhav rao Peshwe who was fighter and also intelligent in statesmanship therefore the Nizam's.and other. Mughals Could not became aggressive , his death caused heavy loss to Maratha Empire and at the age of 35 Narayan rao being real brother sucssided as next peshwa.first six months of his age. He was completely blank because he never took interest in working of his his brother shrimant Madhura o this ,but during that time Parvati bai wife of shrimant Sadashiv bhau guided him.cared him so most time he remained with, her only. He did. Not go to her mother Gopika bai but when he became Peshwa he stayed with her ,and listen her obediently and soon he behaved as per instructions ,the Pradhan Nana Phadvnis also joined them but thear teaching did not made him a good administrator, on the contrary many sardar were not happy with his behaviour the Gardis who faught in the War of Panipat for hindvi swarajya were now demanding higher wages but Narayan rao peshwe straight away rejected their demand.After that they placed thear demand before Nana Phadvnis Gopika Bai, Narayan Rao's mother but they paid no heed to the demand .So they even urged Parvati bai wife of bhau saheb,Peshwa . She listened To h er demand sympathetically up till then Narayan Rao had very good relation with her and listened to her even followed her instructions ,they were aware of that so they approached Parvatibai,she also tried her best to convince Narayan Rao to increase the salries of Gardis ,because of thear loyalties to Hindvi swaraj and their bravery but Narayan Rao did not responded her positively.thereafter they approached Raghunath Rao ie. Shrimant Raghba dada he also tried to convince Narayan Rao but invane but this attitude of Narayan Rao gave a serious tragic turn to history of Maratha kingdom the Gardis thereafter decided to kill Shrimant Narayan Rao Peshwa.
Time Even though Raghunath rao failtimeed to convince Narayan rao for inShaniwar wadacreasing Gardis salary he. Tried hard. To control. Thear. Anger. by this time almost all became aware that Narayan rao's life was in danger even he also knew that.but he was firm on decision Tuloji Pawar one of the aggrieved Sardar who had personal grudge ,eniminity. He wanted to take advantage of this situation. Though many of residents of Shani war wada did not like narayan r's nature but want to save him, so the advised. Him remain away from Shanwar wada but he did not, bothered, when it had became certain of attack on him ,his relatives Raste family invited him for lunch , after attending the lunch his close relastive requested him stay there have nap there also stay there at night and go next-day to Shanwar Wad a but he said "he cannot sleep out side his bed room in ShanWar wada.Raste. Family
rquested again and again him but he did not listened and went to Shanwar wada and went to take nap in the his bed room . his mother Gopikabai. Had gone to Nasik, and his wife Ganga bai had gone to her mother' s place being pregnant when Narayan Rao, came to know, when he was about sleep he heard some movement,and sound of slogans against him following that he heard sound of sword fighting, he immediately ran from another door to Parvati bai 's palace. But u, followed him holding swords in their hands, shouting slogans. " Hold him ,kill him !" Narayan rao shouted "save me they want kill me save me !" but no body came forward ,the Gardis were so much furious that , and. it was so sudden, that, no body dared to came forward but, Parvati bai came forward Narayan rao hid behind her requested her to save him, in his friend,shaking sound, Parvati Bai was in fact very brave lady she had mastery over sword fighting she had fought in Panipat war ,in self defence and guarded ladies who accompanied her , but then when Narayan Rao had came to her shelter she had no arms , but she had courage,and the Gardis had respect for her being wife of shrimant Bhausaheb Peshwe, who laid is life in fighting in Panipat Gardis stopped for while , taking advantage Parvati bai tried to console, the Gardis but they were not. In state of listening ,but due respect to her Gardis, insisted her to get aside and leave Narayan rao alone, taking advantage of dilogue between them Narayan rao ran from the scene, the Gardis became very furious and chased him, madly.Narayan rao ran towardsof Raghunath rao's ' Palace his paternal uncle Raghunath dada .but changed his way insteadRaghunath rao,Palace he ran towards the Jail while running he has remembered that he had put him jail, because his mother Gopikabai has objection ,according to her he was interfearing in the administraton ,he had adviced Narayan rao to increase Gardi's salary. And he also adviced not to change the Cast of Kay ast shrimant Raghunath was not in favour of the these decisions, because those were not good for administration he tried to make them understand, how to run the administration harmlessly.but his advice they treated as interference in running govt..Therefore without applying hi mind Narayan rao straitway put Raghunath rao in jail,in this regard Nana Phadvnis also remained silent, and therefore whatever decisions Narayan Rao had taken he felt they were right.but circumstances were then had taken tragic turn,now running for his life , now he had no interest in power ,he was ready to give up whatever he had only he wanted his life to be saved but there was no one to save him but only last hope was his uncle.Raghunath rao ! But he was in jail,because of his irresponsible behaviour,but there was no option but to free Raghunath rao and,beg for his life,he was running towards jail he was breathing hard with fear,in his eyes.
Sakharam bapu Bokil,hurriedly walked, towards the custody where Raghunath Rao ,was kept, the guards of custody , opened door seeing him walking,Raghunath rao was that time,standing near the window looking through at distance when, he heard opening of the door he just turned back ward his face, expresson lessely he saw sakharam bapu entering.
"Mujara swikar awa sarkar,aapla vijay aaso!", So uttering , he bented before him moving his right hand upward and daunward, twice, with smile, then standing politely, he said "You will not be here any more ,aapan aata lavkarach mukt honar,aani aapan 'Peshwe honar!"you will be soon free and not only that but also will be crowned as Peshwa,!"
Sakharam bapu Bokil, an Accountant of Raghunath rao was a cunning, and main Conspiracy arranger of Narayan rao, when he came to know,the conspiracy is being broght to an effect successfully he rushed hurriedly to meet Raghunath rao in the Custody where he was kept.when Sakhar am bapu was explaining This ,Raghunath Rao turned towards his chair,he pointed at other chair to sakharam to sit, when they, were about to sit ,Narayan rao,fritened sobbing, shaking breathing fast,entered in custody and directly embraced Ra, , rao and begged him for his life said " kaka, mala wacha, mala kahi nako,tumhi , wha, sstoarva karbhar aapan sambhal pn mala wachaclosewa,!"
But second moment, chasing gardis ,ent,ered custody, with swords raised, with thear eyes like burning koal,they reqeeuested R aghunath rao, to hand over Narayan Rao,to them,but instead
Raghunath Rao ,hold him close and said " stop there, don't proceed ,nNarayan is now possession he has surrendered to me,and agree d your all demand,and agreed , to pass Peshwai, to me!"listening this tension of Narayan rao 'was about to reduce to some extend,the Gardis angrily loudly shouted "No , not at all we agree with this, whatever he had said cannot be believed , if he is freed he will not keep his word, he is totally against us in every matter ,so hand over him to us we don't want him alive!" And saying this they came forward, but Raghunath Rao tried to stop them repeating what he said earlier bu this time he argued with them agrissively shouting at them holding Narayan rao more closely, that time he became so much frustrated that if he had sword with him ,he would had attacked, them but since he was in jail ,he was aarm less, seeing his frustration Gardis moved temperraly backwardbut, suddenly Tulojy Pawar moved forward aggressively, and. Pulled Naray an raw aside from Raghunath rao with so much for se that Raghunath rao also could not control himself for second s but that was also that by that timeTulojy attacked, Narayan rao severely with his sword so much that Narayan rao failed on ground bleeding and died instantly.
" Tuloji,हे काय केलेत तुम्ही?, कुणी सांगितले तुम्हाला नारायण रावांनची हत्या करायला?,माझ्या हातात आता तलवार असती तर तुमची गर्दनच मारली असती!"frustrated Raghunath rao shaking with anger shouted laudely at Tulojyi ,and pushed him back, frietend,tuloy tumbled,back ,Sakharam bapu standing, at corner,watching situation taking turning danger came closed to both ,fast, appealing Raghunath Rao,"shrimant shrimant Shant wha,chuk zali, maza aika,!,Narayan rao sent you in the jail without any reason,,you treated Narayan rao well but insulted you not followed your advice, in fact you deserved to be Peshwa , shrimant,so cool dainik and forgive Tulojyi,!' Yes, but he has surenderd!" to me,!"Raghunath rao, said controlling, his anger,"Hoy shrimant, chuk zali ,Tulojyi, shrimant achi kshama maga!"Sakharam bapu looking,at Tuloji said, his eyes indicated , secret intention ,to Tuloji ,so that,they can come out of awkward situation "Baghata kai ,shrimant anche pai dhara aani kshama maga aani show him loyalty !.
Immediately, Tuloji, followed his instruction exactly sakharam bapu knew. Raghunath rao's weak points, Raghunath rao was sentimental , though he had any, differences with his family, his extravagant nature, did not like in his family he was therefore warned by his brothers and even shrimant Madhvrao peshwe had differences with him but still they never hated him and so Raghunath rao. Was loyal and loving his family so how to dill with him Sakharam bapu was well conversant. With this. And hence he wanted to finish the situation move towards further action, but he noticed, the Gardis standing,are waiting for further action but he gave. Them a. Such a
Gesture that they picked up Narayan Rao's body and took it out side of Custody
The news of assassination o Narayan rao was spread. All-over Shaniwar wada except Narayan Raosaheb wife, Ganga nai who was just arrived to Shaniwar wada , when Parwati bai came to know that Ganga nai has arrived, shock ed Parvati bai, controlled herself, because of a big risky task she had to perform,being a responsible woman,and a brave lady. In the wada she some how wiped
Her tears, sobbing then ,cleaned her face with water,guessing further danger to Ganga bai she rushed to save her from attack of Gardis,which Ganga bai would had not even guessed ,when Parvati bai entere, ganga bai was relaxing, that means she has not learned, anything guessed Rajdhani, so hurriedly she said to Ganga bai holding her hande,"chala Ganga bai, aamchya kade chala , utha,!"
"Ho, pn itki ghai kashala,. Be seated for a, while, let me show u what I have brought
My mother!"smiling Ganga bai said."No no that we will see later on!,first you come with me,it is very important. And urgent so I came here personally, come come"! Saying so she almost pulled, her and took to her to her Kitchen ,she took her by different way, secrete ways while walking Gangabai wanted to ask many questions in stead Parvati bai,in order to she would not raise Any doubts she talked about her health,, care to be taken during her pregnancy,about her mother's place,. While they were walking the Gardis put body on the ground,cut it in to many pieces, ruthlessly, and then,, put them in to in gunny bag carried it to river Mula mutha, and threw in to the River emotion lessely.
Parvatibai took Ganga bai to her kitchen, asked her Maid Servant Chhandri bai to shut the door.
Nana Phdvnis who was up till, out now came to shanwar wada ,till then he got detailed report of what had hapenned there ,he was shocked, but being the Pradhan he normalised himself, to take further decisions, when he came across Raghunath rao, who by that time had started supposing himself, as. Shrimant Peshwa, and with that attitude in his behavior was seen ,from his guestier at NanaPhadvnis he said "Nana, by this time u might have Under stood what happened, so get prepared for,declaring me as Peshwa !, U, got it, so hurry up!.
"Sorry, but it can't be possible now so soon !"Nana reacted,immidiately
",Why ,what is the proble lem the only male member in the family, who only inherit the possition, is me only in fact I need not have to give u any explanation for it,so do it, it. Has urgency from administration pointof view, don't u understand this?"Raghunath Rao angrily said. But ,Narayan Rao's wife is pregnant,and if she gave birth to a baby Boy, then he will be crouned as peshwa , so till then we have to wait!" So saying he started walking towards his office.frusted but helpless Raghunath rao looked at his back."he is too much,!"uttered himself but ,walking small distance Nana stopped and turned back and he said "shrimant ,get back those Gardisto thear tents and arrange immediately to bring the gunny bag wich contents parts of bodies of Narayan rao for further religious rites which we have to perform before cremation, after.all he was a Peshwa so Royal rituals must have to be followed,!" "That will carried out after all he was my nephew, but you also follow what I have said !"_Raghunath Rao replied but Nana had already turned back and started walking bu simply uttered "I will look into !" ,Bieng up set,he ignored Aanandi bai's smilling well come ,and he paid no attention to her.
Un expertly , Gopikabai also came to Shaniwar wada , she suspected something wrong, but she did not get any information fr om anybody. But letter on she got ,all information ,she was shocked as she did not expected such tragic end of her last and most obedient son who never objected her extra vagancy, so she can spend as er her desire, her eyes first time filled with tears ,but soon she over powered her emotions,started enquiring about, her daughter in law Gangabai not for love, or emotions but she. Should be live cremated with her son.
Parvati bai,in her kitchen while Ganga bai was finishing, fruit juice which was served to her, narrated. Important development in short, excluding killing of Narayan rao,from that Ganagabai presumcaned that her husband is in possession of. Gardis and his life in danger and she is also in danger, so she is in safety if she accept Parvati bai's refuse."mag me aata karu"? frietened. Ganga bai asked Parvati bai."Hya kapatat rahaych ,turtas"! parvatibai said the indicating at huge kitchen cupboard which was specially maintened for storing kitchen related things some portion of the cupboard was emptied so that a live animal of normal Size can be kept secretly alive for some time.
" Kashi bai me tyat rahanar, gud marnar nahi ka ,jivachi jayil maza hyat nkobai tithe dusre kahi sanga" !Ganga bai hesitedlyrefused,keeping aside her emptied glass
" Turtas hach ek upay aahe so don't west any time and get in to the cupboard ,you Wii not be suffocated, that much care we have taken,!"the maid has already, kept the door opened,of the cupboard .Parvati bai hold hand of Gangabai raised her from the sit ,brought her to the cupboard and pushed her gentely but firmely, at that time she had expressions of duty.on her face with that she closed the door, ignoring her eyxpression, of irritation .
By now,the news of assassination of Narayan rao was spread all over pune the shocked, punekar who were out gathered almost at all corners expressing thear onions exchanging thear information they had or got but in order to keep the situation in control,Nana Phadvnis, ordered, kotwal to mainten piece and,strictly deal with any undue incidence .
In Shanwar wada, Gopi ka bai wanted Ganga bai, so she was asking every body who came across her about Gangabai ,. But nobody gave any information about her, Parvatibai , successfull, In hiding her secretly but Aanand bai had could guese were should be she, but she also showed her ignorance ,but enquired why she want her desperately, when Gopikabai disclosed that she wanted her to go Sati, she told her that", first Ganga bai is pregnant secondly there is no such practice in Peshwai,only Ramabai gone'Sati 'on her own desire,so let her servive with her child.!"Aanandi bai in fact had no interest in both Gopikabai and Gangabai but in order to remain her participation in secret and other ladies in s Shanwar wada, might adviced Gopikabai same thing, she, too advised her so.since nobody responded in her favour she left the idea of sati after finishing Narayan rao's last rituals she waited,and then she went on her Pilgrimage
The Gardis were still in search Ganga bai, and it was not easy to hide her for long time so, one midnight,very secretaly parvati nai took her back on her pet Horse to Fort Sinwhgadh which was in her own possession.therefore. Gangabai, would be safe there,and she can take care of her pregnancy.for her there wasTryambakmama Pethe and his wife,they were related as maternal Uncle ,Mama and Mami!.
Uneasy,Raghunath rao was no more respected by almost everybody, People were suspicious about him. All powers were vested with Nana Phadvnis being Pradhan and he was running administration, as Care taker. So no body bothered even Sakharam Bokil became loyal to Nana .so he decided,to go on campen to Karnataka, he informed Nana Phadvnis ,of his plan of his campen , but Nana caIt hasme personally to him, and inforsaidmed him of inability to provide huge some of amount for spending on campen,as he knew Raghunath rao was extravagant he would spend more and earn less loot so he urged politely that, "yet the account is to be finalised,and due to killing of Narayan rao additional expenditure,happened, that too has to taken account shende he urged Raghunath rao, to postpone the campane
But Raghunath Rao,said"it is already delayed,almost for year,and therefore the Nizam has become more arrogant, and aggressive,so he should be punished there is no one other than him to attack Nizam in our family,. Though acting for time being I am Peshwa is reality and so I have all rights to take decisions, of war and finance, you don't have knowledge , of war because you have not fought a single war ,you can't handle even the sword so why you will carry it,integrating in the administration is your business, ,you better arrange the fund for my campen enough of your excuses , OK?And now moove! "
" Hoy shreemant !"saying so he bent before Raghunath Rao, for mujara and went .
Raghunath, rao after allotment of necessary Monterey fund moved to Karnataka, this time 'Aanandibai 'accompanied him.
By this time, after finishing all last rituals,of Narayan rao, his mother Gopikabai,left Shanwar wada for pilgrimage.
Parvati bai, reached Sinha agad fort,with Ganga bai pregnant wife of Narayan rao safely,
Tryambakji Pethe,maternal Uncle, of Sadashiv Bhau, husband of Parvati bai and his wife were looking after Sinhagad fort,being maternal uncle Parvati bai addressed him as 'Mama'!tryambak Mama, was brave,Participated in war.and was very loyal to Peshwe, and therefore Parvati bai had brought, Gangabai there
Parvati bai, occasionally visited Sinhagad,to meet Tryambak mama mami she liked thear company they also loved Parvati bai,the Treasury there belonged Sadashiv bhau, and after him to Parvati bai,but she never touched,it. Ganga bai gradually mixed up with all of them.they also trneated het lovingly.she became part of thear family.more over nobody had dared to attack Gangabai when she had protection from Tryambak mama and so Parvatibai had not to worry ..
Raghunath Rao , had won the mission against Nizam of karnatak and had succeeded. Treaty in his favour but he was not honoured in Shanwar wada ,
The matter of killing of Narayan rao had taken serious turn , and Raghunath Rao, had became main accused of consperency , Ram shastri Prabhune ,chief Justice ,whatever he had collected Proofs ,which Fingure pointed at Raghunath rao as main accused , so he was up set, and disturbed , Prabhune was. Chief justice in the court of peshwe very much learned,and was honoured with, designation, of ' Shastri 'which was mostly, conformed on most learned 'Brahmins' but in he deserved so ,he was chief just s in the court.
raghunath was given chance, to prove himself nonguilty,he pleaded non guRaghuilty, but justice Prabhu ne,after listening him and the witness es of both side cincearly he came to conclusion that, Raghunath rao was guilty,and therefore in the judgement he issued order to arrest him and hang him till death!.
But Raghunath Rao, escaped from Shanwar wada,and hence , Nana Phadvnis arrested his wife Aanand bai. And his two sons and put them in Jail.Raghunath Rao after two, three tmonths,letter started filling guilty ,Raghunath Rao was otherwise sentimental, he wanted to be Peshwa , for that, he would, do anything, at any cost ,but also loved his family taking advantage of his nature ,Sakharam Bokil and Tuloji Pawar like people encouraged him ,to achieve his Goal to Become Peshwa, and by that way ,they could also get their plans happened.
The re was unrest among the Gardis, these demand for increased in salary was straitway rejected,by shrimant Narayan rao peshwa,so Raghunath rao interfered ,in favour Gardi s, but Narayan Rao rejected that also .so gardis , had became desperate ,to take advantage of thear,dis content,revangefull full anger against Narayan rao, Sakharam bapu, Tumhi Pawar,arranged meeting in Nagpur where they invited Raghunath Rao,for further Plan of action against Narayan Rao.Raghunath Rao , led the meeting as. Usual,Sardar Gupte, was with Raghinatrao but he was not invited and he had also no interest in the subjec t he also neather particiited or spoke anything he was indifferent.
Raghunath rao who was on run , letter started repenting in mind ,he felt sorry for killing Narayan rao ,his promise to Madhav rao. Peshwe, brother of Narayan rao,and his own nephew to take care of him, protect him,that thought perused him day night so weather he could had sleep nor he could , had his lunch , of dinner he was mentely disturbed earlier many times he was out for mission for so many months as required but this time he was on run being guilty.but his emotions and love for family over powered his rudeness ,and desided to surrender come what might happen,!And he surrendered to Nana Phadvnis ,the pradhan, co insidentely Gopikabai had returned to Shanwar wada Raghunath rao wrote a letter to Gopikabai , beging for pardoning him for his wrong deed,and how he is repenting, and therefore he wanted to take 'Prayschtt' self punishment for that , hense he begged.her to pardon him.
Gopikabai, however forgave him,unconditionally, Nana phadvnis also, released him but had arrested Sardar Gupte closed associate of Raghunath rao and father of Radhikabai fiancee? of shrimant Vishwas rao Peshwa, the reason of arresting sardar Gupte, is not clear because, accused Tuloji pawar and sakharam Bapu Bokil who actually participated in assscination of Narayan rao were left free,as they shifted their loyalty to Nanasaheb Phadv nis . Therefore Sardar Gupte was unnecessarily arrested Raghunath rao however, requested, Nanasaheb tofree him as he is innocent andsardar,Gupte ,had no connection ,with the criminals, he is great fighter, and his loyalty with Peshwa is non questionable,. But Nana ,did not listened and bothered and continued sardar Gupte in custody.Nana enjoyed the situation, sarcastically he was powerful man in Shanwar wada, expect him there was no one there to challenge him, the situation was such as if every one was at his obligation ,and his dicision was final.strong man like Raghunath rao was at his mercy, so why he should bother sardar Gupte when the only strong lady 'Gopika bai' was behind him,therefore Sardar Gupte'had left the hope of survival,so he urged Nana," allow him to go on campane against the enemy where he would lay down his life on the Field of war after winning it !"Nana stared at him,without any response, murmured
Himself , which Gupte could gause negative. One day Sardar Gupte,'s wife Aawabai and daughter Radhikabai came to notmeand et Nana Phadvnis to request hiRadhikabaym to relies Gupte,Nana heard them, and asked them, since the offence s are very serious they have to py,the fine, and in form of. Gold,. Dpiamonds etc.then he might relies him,he told, them list bothered ,he. Looked upon them as relatives of criminals.and not as wife and daughter of a noble family,even he did not honoured R adhika bai who was also a Sanyasini .They however agreed upon his conditios, and some how managed to pay the fine,but before they reach to him, Nana ordered his Kotawal to Gupte to Hills and push him from the top est point dawn.
Savai and radhika bai ,collected whatever ornaments, Jwellaries ,they had and reached hurriedly to meet Nana , but he was not there in his office, they enquired , about them,. But no body could answer them ,sering them, waiting for long time ,some one approached them, and informed them. At very low voice that, Sadar Gupte was taken out of custody early in the morning ,.But he did not tell them what would had happened.
On Sinha gad there Parvatibai was taking much,interest in careing Ganga bai ,being pregnant Parvati bai wanted
monetary help from Nana Phadvnis , many times she had sent messages for money for taking care of Ganga bai but Nana devery times ,refused and advised to use amount from Treasury in Simhgad.
And so Parvati Bai spent cash from Sinha glad Treasure for Ganga bai a health.
Reference: Narayanrao Peshwa Hyancha Khoon ki Atmahatya book by P.G. Ranade
Tuesday, 3 November 2020
इति पुरण पोळी आख्यान.
" पुरण पोळ्या मिळतील का हो"!एक सुंदर तरुणी,एक छोटे खाणी दुकानदाराला विचारत होती , चेहरयावर साशंकता होती,दुकान मराठी माणसाचे होते, " आ!. दुकान मालक. आता मालक साशंक,"नाही"! "आम्ही ऑर्डर प्रमाणे देतो,! थोडावेळ थांबून,केस नसलेले डोके खाजवीत ,पुन्हा त्या तरुणी कडे पहात
"किती हव्यात?"
"पाच हव्यात, तुमच्याकडे किती आहेत,?"
दुकानदार एकदा रस्त्याकडे, एकदा तिच्याकडे मधेच, हातातील घडल्या कडे पहात, म्हणाले"अ..... दहा आहेत"!.
"आकरा नाहीत का ?"
"नाहीत, तुम्हाला गणपतीला ठेवायचे का, मग तुम्ही 'सात' दाखवा ते चालेल!".
" पण मी ,तुम्हाला प्रथम देणार नव्हतो, पण मी आता तुम्हालाच देतो,! पुन्हा एकदा घडल्यात, रस्त्याकडे पहात,तरुणीला म्हणाले,
तरुणी घोंढळून हे सर्व पाहत मान हलवीत "ह ह असे म्हणत , ऐकत होती .
" आहो, काय झाले, काल एक गृहस्थ, संध्याकाळी मला दहा पुरण पोळ्यांची ऑर्डर देऊन गेले, आणि सांगून गेले, उद्या, म्हणजे आज सकाळी 'नऊ'वाजता मी पोळ्या घेऊन जाईन , आता 'बारा वाजले तरीआजून त्यांचा पत्ता नाही की फोन नाही, व मी फोन केला तर ते हुचलात नाही आणि आता आले तरी , मी नाही देणार,असे म्हणत त्यांनी दहा पुराण पोळ्या व्यवस्थित पणे कागदी पिशवीत प्याक करून दिल्या मात्र त्यांचे बोलणे चालूच होते,"ह्या पोळ्या तुमच्याच नशिबात असणार ,तुमच्या, गणपती साठी,आणि माझे नुकसान होणार होते, मी खरे म्हणजे ऍडव्हान्स घेतो, पण काय झाले, कुणास ठाऊक, मी विसरलोच, मात्र त्याने फोन नंबर दिला तो घेतला म्हणून बरे झाले, निदान मी त्यांना फोन करीत राहिलो म्हणजे मला दोष मिळणार नाही ",हे एक चांगले झाले की नाही?"
"अ, हो बरोबर केलेत तुम्ही किती पैसे द्यायचे मी, " त्यातरुणीने विचारले
" द्या दोनशे रुपये "! आम्ही ह्या घरी बानोवतो, त्यासाठी गावातील बायकांना बोलावतो त्याप्रमाणे सकाळी पाच वाजता त्या आल्या आणि सात वाजता पोळ्या तयार झाल्या , आणि मी नऊ वाजल्या पासून मी त्यांची वाट पाहतो आहे, बरे झाले तुम्ही आलात, देव पावला!"
"हो तुम्हाला पण आणि आम्हाला सुद्धा, हे घ्या दोनशे रुपये, थँक्स,
"अहो मीच तुम्हाला थँक्स म्हणतो, आणि तो आलाच तर मी त्याला सांगूनच टाकेन, पोळ्या सम्पल्या तुमच्या नशीबातच नव्हत्या त्या,!" अस म्हणत पुन्हा एकदा रस्त्यावर नजर टाकली, आणि दोनशे रुपये कॅश बॉक्स मध्ये टाकले आता चेहेऱ्यावर विजयाची भावना होती त्या तरुणीला पोळ्या मिळाल्या याचा चमत्कार वाटत होता ,कोण असेल तो मनुष्य , का बरे तो आला नसेल,गणपतीला आज शेवटच्या दिवशी,पुरण पोळी नयवेद्यात असणे,हे आज पर्यंतचे सेवेचे पूर्णत्व असते म्हणून या दोन आवश्यक होते ते गृहस्त न आल्याने ते शक्य झाले, याचे श्रेय त्यांना पणआहे,,त्यांना मिळोच पण, कंटाळा न करता, मी येथे आले ते चांगले झाले, गणपती बाप्पा अशीच सेवा आमच्या कडून घडू दे, अस विचार करीत, ती पुढ्यात अचानक आलेल्या रिक्षात बसली.चेहेऱ्यावर विलक्षण समाधान घेऊन .
Sunday, 30 August 2020
वाडगा लोभाचा
एक अत्यांत श्रीमंत मनुष्य होता पण त्याला खूप हाव ,होती प्रत्येक वेळी त्यास काही प्राप्त झाले तरी आणखी काही, जास्त, मौलिक मिळाले हवे असायचे, तशी तो देव कडे मागणीही करायचा.
एकदा असे, झाले की त्याच्या दारात एक भिक्षुक आला, आणि त्याने श्रीमंत माणसाकडे भीक म्हणून काही चिल्लर मागितली श्रीमंत माणसाने ही सदऱ्याच्या खिशातून थोडी चल्लर काढून भिक्षुकाच्या वाडग्यात थोडीशी चिल्लर टाकली.
भिक्षुक खुश झाला मात्र त्याच्या वाडग्यातून चिल्लर गायब झाली,
भिक्षुकाने ओशाळला सारखा चेहेरा करून श्रीमंत गृहस्त कडे पाहत आणखी जास्त चिल्लर मागितली , श्रीमंत माणसाने त्याप्रमाणे चिल्लर टाकली मात्र ती ही गायब झाली, हे असेच चालत होते भक्षुक मागील होता श्रीमंत देत होता मात्र वाडगा रिकामाच व्हायचा
भिकाऱ्याने घर मागितले, मिळाले, बंगला , महाल गाडी जे काही मागितले श्रीमंत देत गेला पण वाडगा रिकामाच!
शेवटी, श्रीमंत चिडला, म्हणाला "हा वाडगा आहे की थट्टा "!, जे देतोय ते गायब होते"!.आता माझ्याकडे काहीच नाही मीच आता भिकारी झालोय!.
तेव्हा तो भिकारी हसला म्हणाला, काय करणार , हा वाडगा आतून खुप पोकळ आहे सगळे समावेल त्यात , त्याचा हव्यास संपणार नाही .आपण कोणाला जवळ करतोय हे प्रथम जाणून घ्यायला हवे, आपण कोणाला मनाचा मोठेपणा दाखवत आहोत याचे भान असू द्यावे, तुमच्याकडे धन येणार असेल त्याचा शोध ह्या वाडग्या सारख्या ना आधीच लागलेला असतो,आपल्या कडे कर्तृत्व असल्याने आपला हक्कच बनतो अधिक मिळण्याचा,आणि त्या प्रमाणे ते मिळते ही,मात्र अशे वाडगे, दूरच ठेवावे.असे म्हणून तो भक्षुक अदृष्य झाला, श्रीमंतांचे वैभव मात्र त्याच्या सोबतच राहिले.हात मात्र नम्रतेने जोडले गेले होते.!
Thursday, 12 September 2019
खोली नंबर 16 मोटर मेकॅनिक रामजी.
ा. एकंदरीत हे कुटुंब जरी खेडवळ, अशिक्षित असले,तरी समाधानी होते .
आता ती इमारत, एका बिल्डर ने घेतली, आणि सर्व भाडोत्र्यांना 405 चोऊ.फूट, चा फ्लॅट, दिला त्यासाठी त्यांची इमारत, त्यांनी भुई सपाट केली त्यात सर्व खोल्यां बरोबर,खोली नंबर16 ही भुई सपाट झाली आणि तिथे उंच टॉवर उभा राहिला,त्यात टॉवर एक बाजूला 14 मजला पर्यंत,सर्व भाडोत्र्यांना 405 चोऊ . फुटाचा सेल्फ कॉन्टेन्ट फ्लॅट बिल्डर ने प्रामाणिक पणे दिला, त्या प्रमाणे जयेश ला ही14 व्या मजल्यावर दोन टॉयलेट फ्लॅट मिळाला .
भुई सपाट झालेल्या आधीच्या इमारतीचे एक वैशिष्ठ होत,तिने प्रत्येक भाडोत्रीला, जास्तीत सुख मिळेल ,हे केलं, अगदी स्वतः भूमिगत,होऊन चौपट क्षेत्राची रहायची जागा दिली,त्या इमारतीला त्या भूमीला,प्रणाम !.
खोली नंबर 16...........2 .
तो अविहित होता, पण आमच्या इमारतीती ल,तरुण मुली महिला याना कधी वागणे गैर,अथवा वाईट नजर असलेला वाटलं नाही. तो व्यसनी आढळला त्याला मित्र होते,ते सोमवारी दुकान इतर दुकानानं प्रमाणे बंद असेल तेव्हा त्याचे मित्र त्याच्या खोलीत जमत गप्पागोष्टी करीत आणि निघून जात अथवा कुठे फिरायला अथवा सिनेमाला जात असत तो साधारणतः १९६०चा काळ होता,तेव्हा पूर्ण 'दारू बंदी 'होती आणि दारू पिणे आता सारखे 'प्रतिष्टे' चे समजले नव्हते . आम्ही अगदी शेजारी च असल्याने ,आम्ही त्याला जवळून पाहिले होते आणि कदाचित त्यामुळेच माझा मोठा भावाशी त्याचे मैत्रीचे संबंध होत, अन्यथा त्याने त्याच्याशी एक शेजारी म्हणूनच परिचय ठेवला असता मी त्यावेळी10 वर्षाचा असेंन.
असा ह्या शेजारचा आम्हा ला जास्त सहवास लाभला नाही .
त्यानंतर दोन तीन दिवस झाले पण राव यांच्या तब्बेतीत काही फरक पडला नाही, तेव्हा त्यांना हॉस्पिटल मध्ये ऍडमिट करण्या साठी त्यांच्या डोकटर ने सांगितल्या वर अंबुलन्स बोलावण्यात आली राव याना स्ट्रेचर वरूनच अंबुलन्स मध्ये ठेवत असताना एक दोन कर्मचारी जमलेल्या व हळव्या झालेल्या शेजाऱ्यांना उद्देशून म्हणाले"अहो कशाला काळजी करता, दोन दिवसात याना बरे वाटून सात आठ दिवसात चांगले होऊन चालत घरी येतील, काय? हॉस्पिटल ची ट्रीटमेंट आहे शेवटी, चला आम्ही निघतो"! असे म्हणत अंबुलन्स चा दरवाजा बंद करताच अंबुलन्स निघाली.
टेलरिंग मास्टर, राव यांचे दुकांबन्द राहिले, इथे खोली नंबर 16 टाळे लावून शांत होती, इमारतीतील काही तरुण अधून मधून हॉस्पिटल मध्ये राव याना पहायला,जात,आणि ते आले की,आजूबाजूने चौकशी त्याला घेरून चौकश्या करीत,निराश होऊन एकमेकाला विचारात ,काय होणार,?मग कोणीतरी
" 'करणी'नायतर त्याला कोणीतरी 'मूठ 'मारली असणार, उगीच नाय :रक्ताची उलटी झाली आमच्या गावाला.........!"ज्ञानाला बोलत बोलता जगन ने त्याला अडवले "ते बघ, कोणतरी, त्यांच्या पैकीं भाऊ ला सांगत आहेत, चला ऐकूया के बोलतायेत, ते जशे त्यांच्या जवळ जात होते, तेव्हा त्यांच्या लक्षात येत होते की काही तरी,बरे नाहींअसें आणि त्यांचा अंदाज खरा ठरला,मास्टर राव', आता राहिले नाहीत, सकाळीच ते गेले डॉक्टरांचं शर्थीचे प्रयत्न राव याना वाचवू शकले नाहीत .
Monday, 29 July 2019
श्रीखंड वाले काका.
दुकानात काका जरा अस्वस्थ वाटले, उगाच काही वस्तूंच्या बरण्या , डबे , फ्रिज उघड झाप करत होते इकडचे तिकडे ,तिकडचे इकडे करीत होते , मी जरासा थांबलो तेथे, त्यांची पाठ होती माझ्याकडे, हाक मारावी का, असा विचार माझ्या मनात आला ,पण एकंदरीत त्यांच्या हालचाली वरून, मी विचार बदलला, नंतर कधी तरी विचारू, अस मनात योजून टिकडणं निघालो,त्यांनी काही मला पाहिलं नसावं, हाक मारलीच तर मग पाहू, असा विचार करत मी माझ्या खरेदीला निघालो.एक दोन महिन्यांनी मी परत त्यांच्या दुकाना जवळ गेलो,दुकान बंद होते मोठे टाळे लागले होते , मी थबकलोच, आज सोमवार नव्हता, बरे बाकी दुका ने व्यवस्थित उघडी होती गिराहिक ही होते , माझ्या चेहऱ्यावरचा गोंधळ पाहून, एका दुकान दाराने मला विचारलेच, "काय त्या दुकान वाल्या म्हाताऱ्या ला शोधता, तो गेला,कोर्टाने काढला बाहेर त्याला , खूप वर्षे चिकटला होता,आता गेला,असा म्हणूनतप छद्मी प्रमाणे हसला,!मला त्याचे बोलणे बरोबर वाटले नाही,तरी पण मी थोडेसे स्मित केले माझी नाराजी लपवत आणि मागे फिरलो,"तुम्ही गिराईक होताना त्यांचा!" माझ्या मागून आवाज आला, मी किंचित वळून " होकारार्थी मान हलवून "हो"!, असे म्हणालो माझ्या लक्षात आले इतर काही दुकानदार ह्या दुकानदाराला सहमत असावे,पुढेतल्या गिराहिक मधून तोंड काढीत मिश्किल पणे हसत ,माझ्या कडे पहात होते ते मी मग तेथून काढता पाय घेतला,आणि नंतर त्या भागात कधी गेलो नाही, फक्त कधी फळ, मिरच्या कोथींबीर घ्यायची असेल तर जावे लागले तरच! .पण तिथं पर्यंतच पुढे नाही.
Mazhya Kahi Recipes
Namaskar, Mee Prakash Harishchandra Gharat...punha aaplya bhetila. Aata kahi recipes paha...majhya bayko Ani Mee rac...
नमस्कार घराच्या दारातूनच प्रवास सुरु! हो म्हणजे आता पुण्याला जायचे म्हणजे, रेल्वे, शिवनेरी,शिवशाही यानची पुण्यासाठी तिकीट ऑनलाइन...
जॉन यांनी खाली नंबर 16 सोडल्या नन्तर, काही महिन्यांनी त्या खोलीत रामजी त्यांची पत्नी, एक 2 ,3 महिन्याचे बाळ हातात घेतलेले, ...
Namaskar, Mee Prakash Harishchandra Gharat...punha aaplya bhetila. Aata kahi recipes paha...majhya bayko Ani Mee rac...
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